Let’s help Zar Zar!
Zar Zar is a farmer from Burma who needs $1,500 for complex cardiac surgery.
“Growing up Zar Zar was often sick and experienced flu like symptoms,” explain our partners at Burma Border Projects. “She feels weak and is tired after doing small tasks or walking short distances. Small tasks also impact her ability to breathe properly. She said her symptoms are manageable but she worries what will happen to her health in the future it left untreated.”
Zar Zar is a 27-year-old woman from Burma, where she lives with her parents. Together, they plant peanuts and beans to support themselves. Their farming income covers food and their basic bills, but does not allow them to save nor address Zar Zar’s ongoing health issues. Our partners at Burma Border Projects diagnosed Zar Zar with mitral valve stenosis, a heart condition that arises when a major valve in the heart is narrower than usual. As a result, blood flow can be uneven within the heart, which can result in heart palpitations, exhaustion or even heart failure.
For $1,500, we can fund complex cardiac surgery to correct Zar Zar’s heart valve, so she can regain strength and endurance. With her increased strength, Zar Zar will be able to contribute more around the house and to her family’s farm, increasing their earnings. She will also be able to have children one day, fulfilling her dream of providing for her own children and helping them go to school!
As always, if you enter the Watsi site through https://watsi.org/welcome/within-biking-distance/within-biking-distance your donation will be tracked in our campaign. If not, that’s cool too. We just want you folks to help folks.